Aquavision Stock Library announces its stunning collection of Kalahari footage.
The Kalahari Desert is a large arid, semi-arid sandy area in Southern Africa covering much of Botswana and parts of Namibia and South Africa. It is a semi-desert, with huge tracts of excellent grazing after good rains.
Embark on another unforgettable journey to discover some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. See the Gemsbok and Springbok roam pristine grasslands.
Here the unique weaver birds build their massive communal nests and the Cheetah and Lions of the Kalahari try to survive in this unforgiving land.
We have unique footage of the Kalahari Bushmen who have been living in the Kalahari for over 10,000 years as nomadic hunter-gatherers. They hunt wild game with bows and arrows and gather edible plants, such as berries, melons and nuts. Water is a precious commodity and the Bushmen often store their water in the shells of ostrich eggs.
Animals that live in the region include brown hyenas, lions, meerkats, giraffes, warthogs, jackals, several species of antelope and many species of birds and reptiles.
All content is available from the Aquavision Stock Library archive and offers unsurpassed coverage of this unique location. Kalahari is suitable for broadcast, video-on-demand and online use but also for mobile platforms and educational use.