Zambia is a landlocked country in southern Africa, with a tropical climate and consists of high plateau, with hills and mountains, dissected by river valleys.
Come with us and like Dr. Livingston explore the vast beauty of this land where the Puku and Wildebeest roam. See the unique culture of the Lozi people during their annual Kuomboka ceremony or visit the World Heritage Site “the Smoke that Thunders”, better known as the Victoria Falls.

Zambia is a land of extremes and wonders where thousands of Hippos cram themselves in ever shrinking waterholes during the dry season; and in the green season, Elephant herds migrate through the Mfuwe lodge to their ancestral grazing grounds; and Lion prides climb trees to escape the water and insects of the Busanga swamps.

All content is available from the Aquavision Stock Library Archive and offers unsurpassed coverage of this unique location. The Zambia footage is suitable for broadcast, video-on-demand and online use, and for mobile platforms and educational use.
Contact us at stocklibrary@aquavision.co.za to request a DVD screener or to licence.