Aquavision TV Productions (Pty) Ltd. produces HD broadcast quality wildlife, reality and cultural documentaries. Aquavision also houses the larges HD Wildlife Stock Footage Library on the African continent. HD Stock Footage at competitive prices with NO MINIMUMS, PER SECOND BILLING and PROMPT DELIVERY at your fingertips.
15 February, 2016
Honey Badger takes on 6 Lions | CAUGHT IN THE ACT
Fearless Honey Badgers vs. Lions | CAUGHT IN THE ACT
Honey Badgers have a reputation for being aggressive and fearless. They will not bow to any creature… Not even the King of the Jungle. So when two honey badgers approached a pride of lions, Giles Kelmanson knew something was about to go down. #CaughtintheAct
#AquavisionTV #LionMountainTV #PeterLamberti @_AQUAVISION_ #StockFootage #HD #2K #4K
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